Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Power Within - Transform Your Life

Have you ever thought to yourself, “What did he or she do differently to have a life that I want too?” You might think, that they had a better education, or more luck, or more money, or better parents or…fill in the blanks- but in truth they have the power within to transform their lives and YOU DO TOO! 


When you lie, even to yourself, you weaken your body!

When you eat fat, sugar, alcohol to a level that doesn’t serve you and your body, you weaken your body!

When you don’t do some kind of exercise even for 15 minutes a day, you weaken your body!


When you feel weak or when your plans don’t work out, believing in your inner power could seem like a challenge. That’s when you need to awaken that strength and harness the power.


We all know that under enormous stress, people develop enormous strengths. Many times, accidents have happened and under fear of losing a loved one people have moved cars, or pulled people out of rubble. Your body AND your mind are capable of so much more! 


The direction your life takes depends on whether you are able to tap into this bottomless pool of power within you. 


This power enables you to take a leap of faith, build habits that move you towards a better physical, mental and emotional well-being, and most importantly it guides you from point A to point B.


Whether you realise your power within or not, your life is in motion. It keeps rolling while you are on autopilot mode. Yes, you grow through motion too but it doesn’t allow you to spread your wings and follow your passion fearlessly.


When you want to transform your life and bring about a healthy change, that’s when you need to awaken your inner power. Bring out your determination, perseverance and passion!

These will soar high and get under your conscious control when you ignite your power within.


To stir the power and hone it to transform your life, here are small changes that you can bring into your life. Before any of that, the first thing you need to do is believe that you are powerful and that it resides within you, waiting to be unleashed.


Be real. Being honest to your self is where it all starts. If you feel overwhelmed, accept that feeling, experience the full range of it and then push away the negative feeling. Brutal honesty leads to self-awareness which, in turn, helps you locate your inner power.


Give up on judgements. The moment you start believing in individuality is when you realise that you, as an individual, are a storehouse of the massive and unique power that has the potential to sail your life in the direction you want to. When you are not affected by what others around you are doing, you also let go of getting affected by others’ judgement. That’s the moment when you unleash your power within yourself and shred every ounce of fear and doubt to change your life.


Take care of yourself. Eat healthy food, keep your body hydrated, sleep well and turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts, but give yourself some time! Changing bad habits that have developed over years don’t change and last overnight unless you WANT to change them and unless you take ACTION! Your body responds to how you are treating it and that’s why locating your inner power needs you to make conscious decisions that are doing good to your body.


Spend 5 minutes every day in silence and have a healthy and honest talk with yourself before start trying to awaken the power. You can be whatever you want to! Let go of fear of uncertainty. This happens when you ignite this enormous inner power and decide to take control of your life. 

If you need help, please reach out anytime!





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