Sunday, June 28, 2020
What beliefs hinder you moving forward?
So this past week my children asked me to do some baking - cookie baking to be precise. At first I thought: baking is for the Christmas time thats not something you do in the summer? But they insisted and to be even more precise they wanted to bake dinosaur cookies.
So I checked online and found dinosaur cookie cutters and thought -Why not bake in summer if it makes them happy? Now you might read this and say 'yes I bake all year round what is the problem with it'? And that is exactly the point, everyone has subconscious programmes running. Now this is not one for me that hinders me in life and so it was also easy to overcome and change BUT nevertheless it made me realise again that we have hundreds of 'gained beliefs' that we store and that guide us every day and we don't question them and even more often we don't even realise we have them.
For you this might not be a big issue (and it isn't of course) BUT ask yourself : where do my beliefs come from? What do I think about money, relationships, child education, healthy eating, property, making money, working etc etc Are you questioning your beliefs enough and check if they serve you? You might think: I'm not good doing sales calls, or I won't ever achieve xyz now I would say - of course you can it's easy let me show you how - and suddenly you get pushed and find that you can do and achieve SO much more than you thought possible!
Find your limiting beliefs. Change them to positive ones. Change them to ones that will bring you forward. Find out how to change them and make those changes TODAY! And if you don't know how then reach out to me! I will help you drop them forever and replace them with the power YOU have within to achieve anything you REALLY want!
Thursday, June 25, 2020
What is hindering your progress?
Now, you might want to start by asking yourself what exactly is standing in the way of you living your life the way you dreamed it. In a world so full of expectations (how you should look, what you should wear, the things you have to do etc.) and so much competition, there's definitely much that could stand in your way and the daily influence of social media and TV doesn't make it any easier.
Do you worry about what other people are doing and how you're not doing that “yet”? How in shape famous people look and how neither your body nor your lifestyle are anywhere close to theirs?
But …aren’t you forgetting the most important thing? What truly makes you happy? NOW is the best time to look inward and stop forcing yourself; to follow fashion trends you don't truly like, go to parties that don’t make you happy, meet people that drag you down, or even stay at a job you don't find satisfaction in. Just stop doing things you don't like!
So here my 4 suggestions to start from today:
Pay attention to yourself! It's your life! Take the time out to re-invent yourself IF you are not happy!
Write down what bugs you, what annoys you, where have you wanted change for a while but haven’t tackled it for whatever reason. Do you get angry? Why? Do you say “yes” when you feel like saying NO! What truly puts a song in your heart? What puts you under pressure? What drains you? What lifts your spirit and energises you? These are questions you must answer. Do you find yourself feeling pressured when you scroll through Instagram for an hour? Perhaps because you don't think you've measured up to the standard of so many people you think you admire. If this is you, it's time to limit your Instagram time. Starve the negative energy! Stop doing what drains you and spend more time with what truly fulfils you.
YOU ARE UNIQUE AND YOU ARE AMAZING! Start believing it and start living it!
Live your life despite your fears!
Most of us have a deep desire to have a meaningful, satisfying and happy life and at the moment whilst we are all in lock down we feel threatened and worried- times seem uncertain, and humans generally don’t like uncertainty …BUT... I would like to challenge you!
Be honest, if your life was predictable all day everyday with no change wouldn’t that be boring? I know it would for most of us. We do like some kind of uncertainty- take presents… we love unwrapping what we don’t know, obviously if we don’t like the present we don’t like the outcome but I guess you know what I mean.
Isn’t THIS the best way forward, you know every crisis has an end, you know sooner or later we will have a vaccine and even as I am writing this there are already humans being tested with the newly developed vaccine. So can you agree that it is a matter of how we now view this situation? Can you change your perspective on it? Can you be curious rather than worried? Can you change your perception?
I know, if your worry is about money then it will be hard because all you will be focusing on is what the next day will bring, I am not saying it’s easy, but try! Stop focusing on the negative and focus on the opportunities!
Can you improve your skills?
Can you improve your knowledge?
Can you create extra income by going online?
Can you volunteer and help others in this crisis?
Think about what you CAN do! Find your inner hero!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Doing the right thing when no-one is watching
Integrity is said to be doing the right thing even when no-one is watching. But sometimes it can be harder to do the right thing when others around you are doing the wrong thing. So often, people behave in a way that is hurtful or damaging to others, because it is socially acceptable to do so. Because everyone around you is doing it.
A month ago, social-distancing was regarded as the decent, morally correct thing to do and yet since a high-profile politician was caught out and found to be flouting the rules. So when you go out, do you stick to the soon 1m rule of social-distancing, because for now it is the correct thing to do to protect yourself and others from catching and spreading the virus. Together we can bring freedom and normality back, if everyone contributes small steps to help!
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Honesty and Care
In December I went to see one of my first clients from way back when…in 1996 when I was still working in the travel industry.
Now, 23 years later, they are still my client. The owner and founder has been incredibly loyal to me, and I am hugely grateful. I know I do put out the red carpet for my clients, and I love and enjoy it, but of course, in 23 years things do go wrong.
I have been called into Konrad's office more than once with clear instructions as to what will need to happen to rectify and with a future warning - this cannot happen again.
I remember one time we had a group of people in London; the hotel was overbooked and London was full - the 3 tenors I think were in London at the same time as Wimbledon or the Chelsea Flower Show I am not sure. Anyway, the hotel decided not to inform my agency and just booked 8 couples into 4 quad rooms – yes, 2 couples from a group had to share 1 room!
With hindsight I am sure they are now laughing about this, but believe me, at the time when I was told on Monday morning, it was not funny and no one was laughing.
Thankfully, we were able to sort it. It was these and some other stories, that helped forge a lifelong friendship and partnership. I am a little bit proud to say that after so many years Konrad's company is still my client! Thank you!
Remember - give your best! Things happen that are beyond your control but always put your clients first!
Be honest! Think of small things that will make a difference!
Always listen and always let your clients no matter how big or small know that you truly care!
Friday, June 12, 2020
Ways to support local business when you're skint
As non-essential shops begin to re-open, many will face hardships that won't go away overnight, and will be desperately working to get back on their feet. The independent retailers are the ones that are going to have the biggest fight on their hands, and they need your support.
I get that for many of us, money is tighter than ever and if you can't justify splashing out on new clothes and other frivolous bits and pieces then you can feel that there is nothing you can do to help.
There are actually plenty of other ways you can support your local traders without spending a penny. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. 90% of people are more likely to buy something that is recommended by a friend, and also many people today will base a purchasing decision on a positive review on Facebook or Google. This kind of word of mouth publicity is HUGE to a small business.
So if you want to support your favourite local retailers, then TELL THE WORLD how amazing they are!
In person - Tell your friends about their fabulous products, or first-rate customer service. Your friend is looking to buy a new handbag, so tell her about the small boutique that's got some really nice ones. Even if your friend doesn't buy anything, they may spread the word to someone else!
On Social Media – LIKE their pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Don't stop there – ENGAGE with them on their pages. Like, comment and share their posts, and help them to really create a BUZZ about their business.
Write a review – if it's a shop you've bought from before, shout about it online! Give a glowing review for a product or service on Facebook, Amazon, Etsy, Google or their own website. When other potential customers come along, they are more likely to buy a product if it has positive reviews on these platforms.
Become a mouthpiece for these amazing local businesses and you can help them survive! For small retailers, it's not just a wage and a job they are fighting for – it's their passion and their livelihoods. It's okay if you can't afford to go out on a spending spree right now, but you can still do your bit to help your local high street.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
All fear can be overcome
People say fear stands for "false evidence appearing real". I disagree- if you are chased by a lion then that's a very real danger coming towards you. However fear can be overcome!
First of all really define, in writing exactly what you are afraid of and then secondly how it affects your life. Any fear like fear of spiders, birds etc would be annoying but they will not stop you from living the life you want to lead (unless you would like to work with Birds and Spiders of
Fear of flying might impact on your life if you are wanting to go on holiday and just don't fulfil your dream because you are scared of flying this can be worked on and there are courses you can take just have a look on the internet.
However fear of failing, fear of moving forward, that's a whole different story, of course here you can also find help, either friends or mentors in your job or of course a personal coach. Nothing should stop you from making that next step and if you are not sure how then get your help today! Don't
procrastinate! You deserve it - you can do it!
Whatever you fear it can be tackled!
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Small things
I went to see one of my clients last year and as you do; started the meeting with:
“How are you?”
“You won’t believe how small things can change your life!” he answered.
I noticed he was slightly limping to the seat in front of him so asked him what happened, and he said that he would normally look in front of him when walking down stairs. But as it happened, he was talking to a colleague who was walking behind him when they walked down a flight of stairs.
Trying to walk forward but also to listen to what his colleague behind him was saying, he didn’t pay attention. He fell down the last step, breaking his ankle and straining his fingers on both hands. For weeks he had to have a cast and was now still not able to put weight onto his foot. He had not been able to go into work for weeks (but was working from home as much as possible). He found it difficult to travel by bus or tube with the crutches and daily life, in general, was suddenly all-around a lot more difficult.
Yes, one small step, one small change in a habit, one small thing you do or not do, can have a massive impact. If you believe that it will have a detrimental effect, then unquestionably you can believe that a tiny change can and will have an enormous impact! Especially when you do it in the right way and the right direction! So plan your steps TODAY! And take the first one right now!
Monday, June 8, 2020
Do it yourself
As a woman I was surrounded in my childhood years by the traditional role of 'men go to work, women were starting to be independent, but still had their careers early then had children.
Men knew about cars Men did the handyman work in the house. And I freed myself of a lot of those beliefs and thoughts over the last decades - however when it comes to techie and handyman stuff I still more often than not call a friend for help or do whatever is needed for me.
I do this without thinking and often without even trying. And tonight I remembered I had bought black out curtains about 4 years ago - they came with some weird hooks that I didn't even give a second thought. I asked one of my friends at the time to help, he said - and I remember it well - have you even looked at the instructions? I said no, I can never figure them out - for some reason it never got done, but now it's light until about 21.00 and my kids are still wide awake at 8pm. So I remembered the black out curtains I bought 4 years ago. I went to fetch them and had a good look at the 'weird hooks' that had made me give up immediately... It took me 5 seconds to figure it out and 2 minutes to get it all together and hung up. WHAT was I afraid about? I KNOW I am capable of so much more when I really put my mind to it and it really makes me so happy overcoming my own false beliefs and replacing them with facts.
Go and try it! It's a soul-freeing feeling :-)
Over the years, everyone I am sure has heard a vast collection of excuses from colleagues, siblings, friends, your children… the list is long.
Some things are scary but once you make that leap once you believe that this step is a good step forward for you, for your future you must bring up the courage to move forward! Take the risk! Make that leap!
Move into a new city, go travelling, change that job make an impact! Never let fear hold you back, never let people hold you back and never let people put you down!
Too often people don’t have the guts to face the truth or admit to themselves that they are afraid or worried. And I know if they only dared to talk about it, every issue would be solvable.
Fear of moving away from your friends, parents and partner for a while – fear of being alone, fear of being unemployed, fear of getting lost in any kind of way.
Everything, once it has been identified and addressed, can be resolved and once you have overcome the hurdle you will not only be proud but you will find it has made you stronger for the next challenge!
I would like to give you one of my favourite excuses of all times – as sometimes they can make you smiles:
Our French intern from over 10 years ago was over 1 hour late in the morning: “Astriiiid you vill not beliv ziz… I caught ze bus ziz morrning, and ze bus got stopped by a dinosaur!! yyyeeeeess! A Dinosaaaaur! And I ‘ad to rruuun and like ziz... I culd not be on time, you see... I am so so sorrryy!!” 😊
The story of the tree
Take a leaf out of nature’s book – nature doesn't think, doesn't get scared, doesn't hesitate.
And just like this tree did – it did what it had to do…it grew… just where it was! And you too have that power!
Do what you should do, and you too will grow where you want to grow to or into!
Obstacles will come, but if you stand firm and follow your dream, there will always be a way!
Go where the opportunities are
Just before lockdown I had an appointment booked to have a new boiler installed. The plumber arrived, we started chatting, and he told me he was living about 2 hours away. I was surprised and asked, “Why didn't they find anyone who lives closer?”
He said, “Loads of people are not willing to travel, I don't understand it as they then moan about the fact that there is no work where they are based. So I have been travelling the country a fair bit, I don't mind doing that and working on Saturdays, in the end it pays the bills right?”
Yes, I thought THAT is the right attitude!
Think: Go where the opportunities are and stretch yourself. It's not always convenient, but no point trying to fish in an empty pond right? Push yourself every day, and you will reach the next goal faster!
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Can we change the way we think?
The way we think is a fundamental aspect of our being. It is the basis for our beliefs, values, and behaviours, and it shapes our perceptio...
The way we think is a fundamental aspect of our being. It is the basis for our beliefs, values, and behaviours, and it shapes our perceptio...
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I've had an e-mail come in this week from a friend. Her son has recently graduated at University and he did really well, he got a 2:1 so...